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Sandra Foslien

Age 27 Weight on the contest 112-115 lbs., 51 Kg
Heigh 5'5" , 170cm Weight normal in life 115-117 lbs., 53 Kg
Home city Los Angeles, CA

In which year did you started to do the fitness sport? I started working out with weights in my late teens.

Why do you like fitness? I love staying fit, becuase I feel more alive, energized, beautiful.

What is your favourite meal and drink?
I love sourkrout dogs with mustard and french fries.

What is your favourite diet meal?
When dieting, I eat tons of salad and tuna.

What do you think about the fat burners products?
I believe fat burners are OK to take in moderation. I do not think anyone should take them as a daily supplement or depend on them for their fitness needs.

Do you use the fat burners products?
I take fat burners sometimes, I do not really believe they burn fat. I take them as a mental motivator. Kind of a reminder to exercise and eat well.

What do you think about the fitness competitions? Do you think, that the fitness competitions are only about the big muscular?
Fitness competitions do seem to be more about muscle mass than they once were, but they do still demand a lot of aerobic challenge.

What do you think about the future in fitness competitions?
I hope fitness competitions will last forever! They are empowering! Motivating! Entertaining!

Is for you the period of the diets before the fitness competition hard?
I do not find it exceptionally difficult to deal with the dieting period before auditions, contests and photo shoots.

What is for you the hardest in fitness sport?
I do not maintain a healthy up those extra meals- I love to eat!

What is your dream in fitness /what do you want to reach for /?
My goals or dreams in my fitness modeling career are to make money as a swimsuit /fitness model. Obtain the cover of at least one fitness magazine, I.E. OXYGEN, FITNESS, SHAPE... and get in the sports illustrated swimsuit issie. I would also like to model lingerie.

What is for you very important in fitness sport?
I like to break up the montony of weight training and aerobics with outdoor entertainment like hiking, biking, swimming, tennis and snowboarding. These are fun hobbies that keep me fit!

Write please your favourite and not in favour exercise.
My favorite exercise is the AB machine. I do not mind working my ABS, because they are not my problem area. They do not take much to look great. My least favorite exercise is running. Unfotunately, it is the one best exercise to keep my body looking the way it should!

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