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Violet Flame

Age 26 Weight on the contest 130 lbs., 59 Kg
Heigh 5'4", 162 cm Weight normal in life 130 lbs., 59 Kg
Home city San Bernardino, CA

In which year did you started to do the fitness sport? I haven't yet.

Why do you like fitness? I love the look of the fitness girls, and as a wrestler, I need to be fit and strong.

What is your favourite meal and drink?
Favorite meal: Lasagna! Favorite drink: water.

What is your favourite diet meal?
Tuna and brown rice.

What do you think about the fat burners products?
I think they can be helpful in moderation, but dangerous for those with heart problems.

Do you use the fat burners products?
Currently no, but I have in the past.

What do you think about the fitness competitions? Do you think, that the fitness competitions are only about the big muscular?
No, perhaps bodybuilding competitions are only about big muscles...big and very lean, but I see a lot more in a fitness competition...agility, beauty and femininity are all very big parts of fitness.

What do you think about the future in fitness competitions?
I see a lot of "figure" competitions starting in this area...fitness is great, and I would love to compete in that arena, but many girls who aren't gymnasts are getting into the figure competitions and they seem to be very popular.

Say something about your gymnastics preparation.
I never took gymnastics as a child, which many girls do, so it's very hard for me. As a pro wrestler, the audience likes to see high flying, so I do go to a gymnastic trainer, but I've been frustrated with my progress so far.

Is for you the period of the diets before the fitness competition hard?
I've never dieted down for a competition yet..

Write your another hobbies?
Besides being a wrestler, I've also recently done some modeling and acting, and I'd like to do more of those. I'm also a bit of a "bookworm" I love to read!

What you be happy and be worry /saddy/ in this year?
Right now I'm very excited and happy about some opportunities that might be coming up for me as a wrestler. There is a new all female league called the WWA and also another called the FCW that I'm excited about, and I've been hearing positive things about the return of the TV show, WOW.

Write please your favourite and not in favour exercise.
My favorite exercise would have to be the regular flat bench, bench press. My chest responds really well to exercise and so I love the feeling of the bench press.

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