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Melissa Velez

Age 25 Weight on the contest or on the photo 125 lbs., Kg
Heigh 5' 7", cm Weight normal in life 125 lbs., Kg
Home city Detroit, MI USA

When did you start to do the modeling?
At 17 years

How did you get to the modeling world?
An agent/photographer wanted to do a test shoot. From then on I was doing photoshoots throughout college. I love it.

Please, write your bigest success in modeling.
I have been a LowRider model, in the True Beauty 2002 Calendar, Poster Model.

What do you think about the fat burners and do you use them?
No I dont like them.

Do you do some sport or do you exercise in the fitness studio?
I play soccer and work out in the gym.

Why do you decided to work like model?
I enjoy meeting new people and it pays well to get me through school.

What means for you the helathy, life style?
I think it is important because it makes you feel good emotionally and spiritually.

Which is your common food plan? Must you keep the diets?
I always eat healthy and I stay away from the sweets. I like carbs though. But for the most part I eat good. Lots of protein and little sweets.

Write please your hobbies?
I exercise, play soccer, travel, go out with friends and I am in graduate school to become a speech language pathologist.

Wednesday 22 January, 2025  Celebrate tody in the Czech republic Slavomír and tomorrow Zdeněk

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